Consulting Services


Ciclomanias is committed to support the well-being of our communities by building capacity, developing outreach and hands-on learning programs, implementing regenerative practices while contributing towards a circular economy.

Our services include:

● Development of energy literacy and environmental education programs for schools and universities.

● Design waste prevention and diversion strategies for SMEs, schools, indigenous communities and municipalities.

● Train urban farmers, growers and gardeners about regenerative practices, how to restore soil, make soil amendments, improve yields, control weeds and diseases.

● Conduct soil biology assessments by our Certified Lab-Technicians-trained by Dr. Elain Ingham Soil Food Web School.

● Develop and implement an ecosystem restoration plan by our experts trained by Ecosystem Restoration Communities and Resilient Ecosystems Institute AC.

● Design a permaculture property to support a regenerative living by our experts trained by Verge Permacuture.

These services have helped communities and businesses create sustainable solutions, conserve resources, regenerate soils and emulate nature to see waste as a resource.

Case Studies
